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  • 1010 Berkler avenue, Brooklyn,
    New York City, NY 10018 US
  • 212 386 5575; 212 386 5575<br /> Free call
  • FAX: 212 376 5575
[stm_staff style=”style_2″ name=”Christopher Bigley” image=”1489″ image_size=”thumb-280×280″ job=”President” description=”Licensed Professional Engineer in the states of New York and Ohio is a leading expert in construction management, with over 37 years in the indus- try and hands-on experience in every facet of the business, ranging from Field Superintendent, Project Manager and Territorial Manager, to President ” facebook=”#” twitter=”#” linkedin=”#” full_description=”Licensed Professional Engineer in the states of New York and Ohio is a leading expert in construction management, with over 37 years in the indus- try and hands-on experience in every facet of the business, ranging from Field Superintendent, Project Manager and Territorial Manager, to President “][stm_staff style=”style_2″ name=”Samanta Fletcher” image=”1489″ image_size=”thumb-280×280″ job=”President of Finance” description=”Samanta Fletcher oversees the financial controls of all active projects for Construction company, and supervises the day-to-day activities of the construction accounting staff. Samanta functionally and administratively reports to the Chief Financial Officer.” facebook=”#” linkedin=”#”][stm_staff style=”style_2″ name=”Salem Mustafa Oglu” image=”1489″ image_size=”thumb-280×280″ job=”Executive Vice President” description=”Licensed Professional Engineer in the states of New York and Ohio is a leading expert in construction management, with over 37 years in the indus- try and hands-on experience in every facet of the business, ranging from Field Superintendent, Project Manager and Territorial Manager, to President ” twitter=”#” full_description=”Licensed Professional Engineer in the states of New York and Ohio is a leading expert in construction management, with over 37 years in the indus- try and hands-on experience in every facet of the business, ranging from Field Superintendent, Project Manager and Territorial Manager, to President “][stm_staff style=”style_2″ name=”Edward Picket” image=”1489″ image_size=”thumb-280×280″ job=”Senior Engineer” description=”Licensed Professional Engineer in the states of New York and Ohio is a leading expert in construction management, with over 37 years in the indus- try and hands-on experience in every facet of the business, ranging from Field Superintendent, Project Manager and Territorial Manager, to President ” facebook=”#” twitter=”#” linkedin=”#” full_description=”Licensed Professional Engineer in the states of New York and Ohio is a leading expert in construction management, with over 37 years in the indus- try and hands-on experience in every facet of the business, ranging from Field Superintendent, Project Manager and Territorial Manager, to President “]
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